
Cancellation policies

After you book

If you want to know what your refund will be, start canceling your trip and we’ll show you a detailed breakdown. Depending on the length of your stay, when you cancel, and the cancellation policy that applies to your reservation, you may get a partial refund.

Please contact us if you endure an issue during the normal cancellation flow.

What happens if a Host cancels before check-in

If a Host cancels a reservation prior to check-in, their renter will automatically receive a full refund.


Guests cancels 7 days before check-in:

Guests cancels 6 days before check-in:

Guests cancels 5 days before check-in:

Guests cancels 4 days before check-in:

Guests cancels 3 days before check-in:

Guests cancels 2 days before check-in:

Guests cancels 1 days before check-in:

Guests cancels same day as check-in:

Extenuating circumstances

Did an emergency or natural disaster disrupt your reservation? You may be eligible for a refund due to extenuating circumstances. Contact us for more information.