
Comover's Review Policy

One of the ways Comover fosters trust between Hosts and guests is through our review process, which helps our community to make informed booking and hosting decisions and provides guests and Hosts with honest feedback to help them improve. Our reviews policy is intended to help ensure the feedback provided through our review system is authentic, trustworthy, and useful to our community.

Reviews must be unbiased, contain relevant information reflecting the actual experience of the reviewer during the stay or Experience, and follow our Content Policy.

Reviews should be unbiased

Reviews should be relevant

Reviews should follow our content policy

Reviews may not contain explicit, discriminatory, harmful, fraudulent, illegal or other content that violates our Content Policy.

Reporting reviews under this policy

To report a review for violating this policy, contact us.

If a review violates this policy, we may remove that review, including any associated ratings and other content. We take the removal of any review seriously and only do so where there is a clear violation of this policy. Depending on the nature of the violation, we may also restrict, suspend, or remove the associated Comover account.

This policy may be applied differently in different places to reflect what local law permits or requires.